Tuesday 31 October 2017

Halloween Steps Back

   All the way back to November, 1971. That's when Led Zeppelin released their classic, and iconic, 4th album. And that's the genesis for my Halloween get-up this year. The image on the inner sleeve of the album is actually a tarot card, "The Hermit", but to Zeppelin fan's it's known as "Lantern Man"
   And that's what I decided to do this year
   It wasn't an easy decision, either. It wasn't until last month, when we were in a Halloween store in Regina, that the idea went "click". And it was the lantern that sparked the whole thing.
   Normally, I plan well in advance (usually starting November 1st), but this year had been a blank. Did I pull it off? Not really, although I did give it a good try. Although, looking at a side-by-side screen shot co mpiled by GX94 Morning Host Danny Ismond, I got closer than I thought!
   There is one very interesting aspect of the gear; the stick. I bought that years ago in Regina at the Cathedral Arts Festival. What sparked my interest in it was the head, which is a piece of antler. The artist somehow carved a cougar's head into it
   Which I thought was very cool. Now, I need to start planning for next year.
   Have a happy, and safe, Halloween!


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