Wednesday 15 November 2017

Food, Glorious Food!

   Regular viewers will know from past posts that both my wife and I are pretty handy in the kitchen. All you'd need to do is take a look at my more than ample frame to know that. My wife is an incredible baker (her chocolate cake gets rave reviews), and I'm more or less the person producing a lot of our meals.
   Last year, I was asked by GX94's mid-day host Tonya Cherry to do an item from her Christmas Goodies Cook-Book, and I did a pork chop-suey stir-fry. Tonya's on maternity leave, so this year, her locum, Nick Kaczmar, is taking her place in selling them. Between Nick and Tonya, they convinced morning show host Danny Ismond to produce something. Danny dutifully did, bringing in chocolate cupcakes. Were they good? Yes.
   But during our chat this morning, that spun off onto a rather less than successful culinary adventure my wife took us on a number of years ago, called a 5-can casserole.
   I can't for the life of me remember exactly what was in it, but none of us could eat it. Sorry dear, it really was that bad.
   She got the recipe off the internet, which is where it should have stayed. The result ended up in the bin. Not that I haven't had food flops myself, but this one was memorable. For the wrong reason.


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