Friday 25 August 2017

Outta Here!

   I'm taking the final week of my vacation time, which starts right after I finish the noon major news package today. I had been kicking around the idea of a quick trip to Calgary, Alberta for a few days to see family/friends. That got spiked rather quickly, though, due to scheduling around appointments, a trip to the vet for some dental work for one of our cats, and mostly $$. It takes quite a bit of $$ to go out there and come back, even in my fuel-sipping car. My wife and I are now hoping/planning to make the trip next spring.
   Aside from taking kitty in, I've got a few things I can or need to do around the house. Not the least of which is try to get hold of a drywaller to look at the ceiling in our house, which had some water damage last October. Yes, I do tend to procrastinate.
   Other than that, I'll probably potter around the kitchen. I feel another batch of salsa may be in the wings, and, since we got out 1st deep-fryer last weekend, I'm going to try making samosas. We'll also squeeze another quick trip to Regina in (my wife needs flower bulbs for next year).
   And, yes, I will also make plenty of time to relax, sit on my couch and watch TV, not that there's much on.
   I'll be back right after the Labour Day weekend, so:


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