Friday 18 August 2017

Who Knew?

   Who knew that an item I shared from Facebook a week or so ago would, in turn, get almost 200 shares itself? In fact, it was still getting shares late this past week. For something I posted (or re-posted) to get that many shares is unbelievable! And I can't (and don't ) take credit for it.
   It goes back to the rhetoric and sabre-rattling between U.S President Donald Trump, and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. It's over the North's continues missile testing, and threats to launch a strike at the Pacific Island of Guam, home to U.S military forces. That lead Trump to promise "fire and fury" if a strike should indeed happen.
   A lot of people seem to believe the 2 leaders are cut from the same bolt of cloth, and share some similar traits. And that prompted someone very much more well versed in photo-shopping than I to produce this:
   Say "hello" to Donald Un, and Kim John Trump!
   Enjoy your weekend.


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