Wednesday 9 August 2017


   And people still wonder why I do all my banking in person, rather than on-line. The answer to that is simple: Hackers. There've been more than a few instances lately of high-profile hacks, the most recent was HBO's hugely popular Game of Thrones franchise. Seems someone "accessed" a script, and has threatened to release it unless a ransom is paid.
   This is just the latest in a seemingly endless parade of high profile hack attacks, with the highest the supposed Russian hacking of Hillary Clinton's emails during the last U.S Presidential election campaign.
   I'll admit I'm probably over-reacting, because my (and any) bank has some pretty intense security and anti-hacking hardware. But at he same time, I'm pretty sure HBO and others also had stringent software.
   So until there's a 100% hacking-proof system out there (which can't happen, because anyone who wants to can access just about any site), I'll just trek to my local bank branch to pay bill, mortgage, car loans and manage my accounts.
   Guess I'm just old fashioned.


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