Wednesday 16 December 2015

The New Face Of Terrorism?

   I actually wrote this post yesterday, then deleted it. Why, I'm not really sure. I guess it was because I didn't want to give people ideas about this. But it's out there now, so I decided to give this another try.
   Yesterday, a threat was called in targeting students in the 2nd largest school district in the U.S, the L.A Unified School District. More than 1 thousand schools in an area of 720 square miles cancelled classes affecting 640 thousand students and their parents after someone apparently issued a threat describing an attack with assault rifles. It turned out to be a hoax, as did several copy-cat threats in several other cities, including New York.
   Given recent events in San Bernardino and Paris, authorities acted correctly in safeguarding students and staff. In the post I wrote (and deleted) yesterday, it's my contention that if/when the person(s) responsible are brought to justice, they should face terrorism charges. Not only were the kids, teachers and parents vastly inconvenienced, but the strain put on all law enforcement agencies, no matter how big they are, must have been huge.
   And that's why I believe this incident, and one last week where a threat was called in to Air France forcing a plane to make an unscheduled stop in Montreal, is in fact a new form of terrorism. One where people, companies, law enforcement and others must for the public good take these as serious. It's not as deadly as the attacks in California or Paris were, but just as insidious since authorities MUST take precautionary measures.


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