Wednesday 9 December 2015

Christmas Shopping's Done

   In fact, it has been done for a while now. For our now adult "children", it was easy. One is interested in Viking history, and has visited the site of one of the first Norse settlements in North America in Newfoundland. The other, even though he's over 30, wanted the latest incarnation of a video game. Done.
   As mentioned, they were the easy ones. My wife, not so much. I guess I'm lucky. She's not into clothing or shoes or jewelry, so getting her some "bling" was off the list. I asked her several times what she did want this year, to be met with "oh, nothing". (Handy tip: If your significant other says they want 'nothing', do NOT provide such as a gift. Try and find something nice.)
   This year after several requests of "what do you want" were met by "nothing", my wife relented and said buy her a goat. After the quizzical look shot in her direction (she's been asking if we could get one as a pet), she explained. One of the bigger overseas charitable organizations gives donors the opportunity to buy a goat for a family to raise. Not to eat, but for the milk and other potential products which they then sell, benefiting the entire family.
   After her explanation, I got not one, but 2 in her name. I figure since she's been married to this old goat for almost 33 years, why not help a couple of families out by buying them one?
   As for myself...well, I've got a project I never thought I'd undertake. I'll blog about it at a later date.


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