Tuesday 4 August 2015

Off To The Races

   The Prime Minister did as expected over the long weekend, and visited the Governor General to dissolve parliament and set October 19th as the date for the federal election. In doing so, Stephen Harper also set the length of the campaign at 11 weeks, the longest campaign since the 1920's, and much longer than the usual 37 day race for our vote.
   The decision to fire the starting pistol 6 weeks early is drawing some negative reaction. The cost of a traditional 37 day campaign is about 375 million dollars. A lot of pundits are saying the additional 6 weeks will add 300 to 400 million to the total. all of which is funded by taxpayers.
   It is going to be an interesting run up to October 19th, with all 3 main party leaders hitting the trail running. Liberal Justin Trudeau was in the Tory stronghold of Calgary, where the party hasn't elected an M.P from that party since 1968, the year his father won federally.
   Alberta is going to be an interesting place to watch over the coming weeks, especially after the NDP in that province swept the ruling Tories out after 41 years in power. I'm sure that's going to be very much on the mind of Mr. Harper and federal NDP leader Tom Mulcair. In the last election, Harper only landed in Calgary, where his home riding is, on election night. It's been that much a Tory stronghold over the years.
   My home province of Saskatchewan is also going to be interesting to see. There are 14 ridings, and all but one were held by the Tories. That is Regina-Wascana, which has been held by Liberal Ralph Goodale for years.
   The NDP hasn't had a seat in Saskatchewan since 2004, but will be looking to build on the success in Alberta, and recent polls putting Mulcair in the lead among major party leaders. Of course, as any politician will tell you, the only poll that matters is the one on voting day.
   Still, it's going to be an interesting few weeks.


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