Friday 14 August 2015

Down Time

   It is that time of year yet again. Time for me to vanish for a couple of weeks and recharge the batteries as we get set for the fall. I'm going to be away from noon today until August 31st, taking some "well deserved time off" as they say.
   I won't be able to go anywhere this summer for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is my wife and I couldn't get time off together for the 3rd year in a row. That puts a huge crimp in any plans. Another fly in the ointment is I've got a couple of important appointments coming up over the next week, and can't miss any of them.
   That doesn't mean I won't take a day trip or 2, maybe even get a little fishing in (if I can find a good spot). But other that that, I'm simply going to relax and sleep in until 6:00 in the morning. Which for me is a luxury, since I'm usually up before 4:00 AM. I'm looking forward to that.


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