Thursday 6 August 2015

I've Hit The "In Between" Stage

   I've made no secret of the fact I've been trying to lose weight recently. By simply not having snacks washed down with syrupy sodas, I've dumped 10 pounds so far (but still have 20 to go before I hot my self-declared target). But that's now presenting a problem. I'm at that "awkward stage" when it comes to clothes. I'm getting too thin for the size I'm in now, and still too fat for the next size down.
   I've been getting suggestions on my facebook page about his to best deal with this "problem". They range anywhere from getting a smaller belt for my pants (which I've already done), to suspenders to just punching another hole in my existing belt.
   That's all fine when it comes to the pants. But shirts are also a problem. The size I've had to buy are starting to hang on me like a sail, while the next size down is still a little tight (especially around the old gut).
   The 3rd conundrum is this. Do I spend a whack-load of money getting new clothes now, as I continue losing weight, or do I wait till I hit my "target". I'm thinking I'll have to get some new duds soon, particularly pants, since pretty near everything is starting to look droopy on me.
   I guess this is a nice problem to have, rather than going the other way and having to buy larger clothes. Which I have had to to in the past.


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