Monday 31 August 2015

Hello, It's Me Again

   After a couple of weeks of much needed down-time, I AM back. I didn't accomplish a whole lot during my vacation, and in fact got lazy, sleeping in until 6:00 AM. I did get re-acquainted with my couch, which now bears a deep scar in the spot I sat in for the past 2 weeks.
   Aside from doing a few chores around the house, about the only thing I did do was take a quick trip to Regina to re-stock some supplies. And grab a sandwich from the Italian Star Deli, of course.
   But you know what? It feels kinda good to be back at work. Truth be told, I was actually getting a little bored during my vacation. Probably from wearing a new groove in my couch! But, since my wife and I could not coordinate time-off this year, "getting away from it all" was simply not on the cards.
   And now that I'm back, I'm looking forward to what will be my 3rd run of fall "Supper in the Field" excursions. And a chance to redeem myself on attendance at those events. They actually got underway last Wednesday, when I was on vacation. That means I missed 3 in a row, including the last 2 of the spring Suppers.
   And hopefully, once again, we'll get "Craig in a Combine", which has turned into an annual event.


Friday 14 August 2015

Down Time

   It is that time of year yet again. Time for me to vanish for a couple of weeks and recharge the batteries as we get set for the fall. I'm going to be away from noon today until August 31st, taking some "well deserved time off" as they say.
   I won't be able to go anywhere this summer for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is my wife and I couldn't get time off together for the 3rd year in a row. That puts a huge crimp in any plans. Another fly in the ointment is I've got a couple of important appointments coming up over the next week, and can't miss any of them.
   That doesn't mean I won't take a day trip or 2, maybe even get a little fishing in (if I can find a good spot). But other that that, I'm simply going to relax and sleep in until 6:00 in the morning. Which for me is a luxury, since I'm usually up before 4:00 AM. I'm looking forward to that.


Wednesday 12 August 2015

Hot, Hot, Hot

   That pretty much sums up what we're expecting across a wide swath of Saskatchewan and Manitoba as temperatures get into the mid 30's today and Friday. In fact, it could get to 35 C Friday (that's a scorching 95 F) before settling down to a mild 21 C on Sunday.
   When it gets that hot, it's best to try and stay indoors to avoid heat exhaustion and/or heat stroke. We're lucky. We had central air conditioning put in last year, so keeping cool for us won't be a big problem. But for those who don't have A/C, it's going to be a very hot slog. Just putting out fans doesn't seem to help much, and hitting a local lake will again provide only temporary relief.
   I'm thinking of making a nice, cold batch of Gazpacho (chilled tomato soup) to last us a few days.
   Of course, in 6 months we'll be looking back on these hot temperatures, wishing they'd make a come-back.


Thursday 6 August 2015

I've Hit The "In Between" Stage

   I've made no secret of the fact I've been trying to lose weight recently. By simply not having snacks washed down with syrupy sodas, I've dumped 10 pounds so far (but still have 20 to go before I hot my self-declared target). But that's now presenting a problem. I'm at that "awkward stage" when it comes to clothes. I'm getting too thin for the size I'm in now, and still too fat for the next size down.
   I've been getting suggestions on my facebook page about his to best deal with this "problem". They range anywhere from getting a smaller belt for my pants (which I've already done), to suspenders to just punching another hole in my existing belt.
   That's all fine when it comes to the pants. But shirts are also a problem. The size I've had to buy are starting to hang on me like a sail, while the next size down is still a little tight (especially around the old gut).
   The 3rd conundrum is this. Do I spend a whack-load of money getting new clothes now, as I continue losing weight, or do I wait till I hit my "target". I'm thinking I'll have to get some new duds soon, particularly pants, since pretty near everything is starting to look droopy on me.
   I guess this is a nice problem to have, rather than going the other way and having to buy larger clothes. Which I have had to to in the past.


Tuesday 4 August 2015

Off To The Races

   The Prime Minister did as expected over the long weekend, and visited the Governor General to dissolve parliament and set October 19th as the date for the federal election. In doing so, Stephen Harper also set the length of the campaign at 11 weeks, the longest campaign since the 1920's, and much longer than the usual 37 day race for our vote.
   The decision to fire the starting pistol 6 weeks early is drawing some negative reaction. The cost of a traditional 37 day campaign is about 375 million dollars. A lot of pundits are saying the additional 6 weeks will add 300 to 400 million to the total. all of which is funded by taxpayers.
   It is going to be an interesting run up to October 19th, with all 3 main party leaders hitting the trail running. Liberal Justin Trudeau was in the Tory stronghold of Calgary, where the party hasn't elected an M.P from that party since 1968, the year his father won federally.
   Alberta is going to be an interesting place to watch over the coming weeks, especially after the NDP in that province swept the ruling Tories out after 41 years in power. I'm sure that's going to be very much on the mind of Mr. Harper and federal NDP leader Tom Mulcair. In the last election, Harper only landed in Calgary, where his home riding is, on election night. It's been that much a Tory stronghold over the years.
   My home province of Saskatchewan is also going to be interesting to see. There are 14 ridings, and all but one were held by the Tories. That is Regina-Wascana, which has been held by Liberal Ralph Goodale for years.
   The NDP hasn't had a seat in Saskatchewan since 2004, but will be looking to build on the success in Alberta, and recent polls putting Mulcair in the lead among major party leaders. Of course, as any politician will tell you, the only poll that matters is the one on voting day.
   Still, it's going to be an interesting few weeks.