Monday 27 July 2015

It's Going To Be A Wet Few Days

   In fact, very wet indeed! Our area is in store for anywhere between 50 to 80 mm (2-more than 3 inches) of rain in the next 36 hours. And it's possible some parts of the region could get more in thunderstorms.
   That much rain in that short a time span is not good news. Even farmers suffering from drought, even though they do need the moisture, don't need that big a dump. The problem is, a lot of land is so dry right now, a "cap" has formed on top of it, and heavy rain will simply run off, at least at the beginning. That run-off could cause another problem: Flash flooding.
   I know from past experience that a lot of communities will be on edge as well, even though flood mitigation and run-off areas have been prepared after flooding last year.
   Still, if we do actually get that much water in a short time frame, there will sure to be communities suffering from flood damage.
   I'm just glad we live on "higher ground" relative to most areas of Yorkton.
   Stay dry!


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