Monday 13 July 2015

A Successful Tour

   We did get on the Secret Gardens Tour this past weekend as promised, and my wife and one of her oldest friends thoroughly enjoyed. I have to admit I didn't mind it either. And I'm not a big gardening fan (although I do appreciate what my wife does at our place).
   It was a hot, humid, sticky day in Regina, with the temp in the mid 30's, so we were glad to have air conditioning in the car.
   What did we see?
   Here are a few pictures from Saturday

   The interesting thing about the past image is the fact the fellow who owns the house hand-built a working model railway in the garden. All the cars and locomotive were made from scratch, and the detail was incredible.
   They used a mix of miniature real plants and fake ones (to keep things in scale), and even had miniature seagulls perched on miniature rocks. That garden was the highlight for me.
   So now, my wife's got me working on a couple of ideas from things she saw on the tour, while she's already looking forward to 2016.
   And as you might expect, the heat and humidity triggered some nasty weather. We were caught in an apocalyptical  rainstorm on the way home. It was so intense, we were down to 40 km/h on the highway. I couldn't even find a place to turn out and wait for the rain to stop. That was the only fly in the ointment on an otherwise nearly perfect day.


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