Friday 10 July 2015

A Big Weekend For My Wife

   She's been looking forward to tomorrow for a year. Every year, a Regina Dance Academy holds a fundraiser, where people volunteer to open their gardens to the general public. For about 35 bucks, people can buy what amounts to a passport, which gets you in to anywhere between 8 and a dozen private and public spaces.
   The Secret Gardens Tour's been going on quite a while now, and my wife's been going for at least a dozen years or so.
   This year will be my 3rd time on the tour. I'm not a big fan of gardens or gardening, and I'm more or less going as the driver/videographer for the event. I'll take my digital movie camera, shoot way too much footage, then try and package it on a DVD for my wife.
   One of her friends is coming along too, and she's looking forward to meeting up with her, and I guess I'll end up buying lunch for the 3 of us.
   Why am I going? Simple. My wife has never learned to drive, and since we're some 120 miles outside Regina, the duty has fallen on me. That, and the fact that since I give her grief the other 364 days a year, one day looking at pretty flowers ain't going to kill me.
   And besides, there's the old saying "Happy Wife, Happy Life".


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