Tuesday 28 July 2015

It WAS A Wet Day

   In fact, at the Yorkton airport, 22 mm of rain was reported last night. But that's not the whole story. Other parts of Saskatchewan, and my own region for that matter, got a lot more. Esterhazy got 75 mm (3 inches), along with Willowbrook. Regina got 78 mils, Coronach, in southeastern Saskatchewan, got 85.
   Coming into the office this morning I saw very few deep puddles on the main drag. After a heavy rain, there usually are. I've also heard no reports of flooding or damage from wind or hail either here or across most of the region. But that's not a blanket statement.
   In the far southwest corner of Manitoba, there was severe weather. 2 tornado's touched down, with one on the ground for a reported 3 hours! It pretty much tracked north on the eastern side of the boundary with Saskatchewan, and went from Pierson to Virden. There were reports of asphalt being ripped up, and a farmstead near Tilston was damaged. But other than that, no major damage is reported.
   And we're not out of the woods yet. A rainfall warning continues, with another 10 to 15 mils expected today.
   I knew I should have cut the lawn Sunday.


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