Friday 17 June 2022

Picked Up My Hardware


   It was a very quick trip to Toronto last weekend to attend the RTDNA National Award Dinner to receive my Lifetime Achievement Award. How quick? We left home last Saturday morning at 8:00 eastern time, picked up our flight about 10:30, landed in Toronto and had less than 45 minutes to check in to our hotel, change and go to the President's Social. Then, it was down for the dinner about 6:00 p.m eastern. Back to our room about 10:00, and tried to sleep.

   Didn't have much luck, and woke up about 3:30 a.m eastern. We decided to simply jump in a cab and head back to the airport for the flight home, since we'd heard horror stories of people waiting to get through security for up to 6 hours. We pre-checked in when we left Regina, and I'm glad we did, since there were line-ups at all the check in counters for our airline.

   There were maybe 10 people in line at security (it was about 4:30 by then), and we made it through quickly. By the time we actually boarded, the line stretched right down the concourse. Got back to Regina about noon eastern, went for a bite to eat, and were back home by 4:00, eastern.

   Was it a quick, hectic experience? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes. But I'd take an extra day to simply avoid rushing around. And maybe get to see Canada's largest city.


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