Thursday 29 September 2022

Been Far Too Long

    It's been months since I posted anything, but honestly, there hasn't been much going on. At least not until this past summer.

   We had a couple of huge, violent hailstorms roll through, which destroyed my wife's flower garden, and my old car, a 2012 Mitsubishi Lancer

   After the 2nd storm, I took it to a hail insurance appraiser, and was told the cost to repair it was more than it was worth. A "ding" count showed 51 hits alone on just one door, and many pieces of bodywork would have to be replaced.

   So, after consulting with my wife, I decided to let them write it off, took a cheque for the value, and went car-hunting for the first time in 10 years. And I ended up with this

   A 2015 Honda Civic. It does have a few more miles on it than my old Lancer, and yes, there are a few hail dents, but nowhere near as many. Still, I'm more than happy with it, even though gas-mileage wise it's not as efficient as the Mitsubishi. At least not on the few runs we've taken to Regina.


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