Thursday 2 June 2022

I'm Being Honoured


   The group, of which I was the Prairie Regional Director for Radio a few years back has bestowed a Lifetime Achievement Award on me, recognizing my nearly 45 years in the broadcast industry. To say I'm honoured is a huge understatement. The award is given annually to people who have worked in radio, T.V and digital news for at least 30 years.

   In my case, I've now been in the broadcast industry in 6 different decades, the 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's 10's and 20's. My very first job was in 1976 doing radio and T.V news in Red Deer, Alberta. And while I didn't last long, the bug bit hard, and I was back in the game in 1979.

   I've lived and worked in 6 different markets in 4 provinces, but have spent 28 years of my career in Saskatchewan.

   I'll not bore you with a highlight reel of the past 40+ years, but I will say the time has flown, and technology has changed the business in a mostly positive way.

   Am I thinking about hanging up the headphones? Not yet. I feel I still have  a few years of productivity left, and I do enjoy my job. But there will come a time when the mic will be clicked "off" for good.

   I will be receiving a nice plaque from the association commemorating the LAA, and we'll be heading to Toronto June 11th for the awards banquet.

   Once again, I'm honoured and humbled to get this prestigious award.


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