Tuesday 5 April 2022

Still Alive And Kicking

    No, I have not gone anywhere, and, yes, I've sort of ignored this for 2 months. But I'm still alive and kicking, with no thanks to this fur-baby.

   Recently, she decided that at 2:30 A.M, it'd be a real good idea to use my toes as playthings, which she hasn't done in at least 2 years. There's nothing like having a nearly 15 pound kitty cat pounce on your tootsies, with claws extended, at that hour. Making it even worse was it was a weekend morning, meaning I didn't need to get up at 03:15 to go to work.

   Maybe that was what she wanted, was to say "time to get up Daddy!" If so, I'll stick with my regular alarm clock. It's much less painful.

   And if you're wondering, no, she wasn't banished to the bathtub as any kind of punishment, although some very foul language was directed at her. For some reason, she actually likes the tub, even if it's still a bit wet.


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