Monday 3 January 2022

Happy Holidays

    Here's hoping you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Our household held a traditional low-key holiday once again, with our son coming up from Regina for Christmas dinner. With just the 3 of us, there was no big turkey dinner again this year. We simply opted for a roast chicken for my wife and myself, and a vegan entre for our son.

   New Years Eve was spent in front of my computer, and I called it a night just after 9:30. We don't bother ringing in the new year, and truthfully, we rarely do. Old age and weird hours are part of the reason. The other is we just don't care that much.

   About the only excitement over the past week was making sure my car would start. We had some bitterly cold temperatures (-37C0 and windchills of -47 to deal with. It meant I was out warming up the beast at least twice a day. She'd start the next morning, but didn't want to. And no, I don't have remote start, though I wish at times like this I did.

   I was also off last week, meaning there were no posts to wrap up 2021.

I wish everyone a safe, happy and healthy 2022.


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