Tuesday 11 January 2022

This Is Ridiculous

    Bit if a rant here, so sorry. Got into our building today, and when I walked into out newsroom it was (and still is) cold. Not chilly, cold. Walk into the master control suite, and it's hot. Not just warm, hot. There has to be a 15 degree Celsius difference in temperature between the 2, which are less than 50 feet apart.

   I'm having to wear my big parka as I sit keyboarding this in, even though I've got the thermostat cranked to 34 C. Why? Why is there such a big difference in temperature? Turns out, 3 of the motors in the heating plant are shot, and they have to order new ones (it's an old building). How long it's going to take to get them replaced is anyone's guess. Compounding everything, I have a heating/cooling vent almost right over my head, which is now pumping cold air.

   What to do? Well, with a few exceptions of websites, I'm moving into the news booth for the rest of my shift. Not ideal, but certainly a damn-sight warmer than it is in the newsroom. I just hope they got this sorted out sooner, rather than later.

Rant over: TTFN

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