Friday 2 July 2021

Its Been Scorching Outside

    Heat warnings have been in effect most of this week, with temperatures in the mid to upper 30's. But the end is in sight, once we get through the weekend. It's supposed to hit 36 tomorrow, then 32 Sunday before a system rolls in, dropping the mercury to 25 Monday and 21 Tuesday.

   We've managed to keep cool in this blistering heat, with the A.C cranked and fans going. I shudder to think how hot it is for some of our neighbours who don't have air conditioning. And as bad as it is, this is nothing compared to parts of British Columbia, where it got up to 49 Celsius in a place called Lytton. Sadly, they also had a wildfire that ravaged the town, destroying 90% of the buildings there.

   And as bad as it is, you won't hear me complain too loudly. Despite the hot, hot heat, we'll look bacck on these days with some fondness in 6 months when it's -36.


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