Wednesday 7 July 2021

Baby, It's Cold Inside

    I don't know how high they've got the A/C cranked in our building today, but DAMN, it's chilly in the office this morning. For that matter, it was cold yesterday as well. Normally, I wouldn't complain, since I like it on the cool side. But I wish they'd cut it back a bit, since I'm forced to wear a jacket indoors.

   The oddest thing about this is we've just come out of a heat-wave, where the mercury soared to 36 Celsius. And the heat will return this weekend, with highs near 32 in store. That's when I'll appreciate having the A/C turned to the Max. Just not when my furnace came on at home this morning, and it was 5 Celsius when I rolled out the door.

   Long story short, I guess all I'm asking for is a little moderation so I can take my jacket off. At least I didn't wear shorts and a T-shirt, like one of my co-workers did this morning.


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