Tuesday 27 July 2021

Going Away

    Back in May, I hinted I need some medical care for an unspecified reason. I also indicated I would need a further follow-up for the condition.

   That follow up will start tomorrow, and I'll be away for a few weeks. No, I will not divulge what the condition is. See you in a few!


Wednesday 7 July 2021

Baby, It's Cold Inside

    I don't know how high they've got the A/C cranked in our building today, but DAMN, it's chilly in the office this morning. For that matter, it was cold yesterday as well. Normally, I wouldn't complain, since I like it on the cool side. But I wish they'd cut it back a bit, since I'm forced to wear a jacket indoors.

   The oddest thing about this is we've just come out of a heat-wave, where the mercury soared to 36 Celsius. And the heat will return this weekend, with highs near 32 in store. That's when I'll appreciate having the A/C turned to the Max. Just not when my furnace came on at home this morning, and it was 5 Celsius when I rolled out the door.

   Long story short, I guess all I'm asking for is a little moderation so I can take my jacket off. At least I didn't wear shorts and a T-shirt, like one of my co-workers did this morning.


Tuesday 6 July 2021

I Don't Know About This


   An Ontario based distiller has decided to combine their whiskey with "a hint" of 12 year old Caribbean rum. Supposedly, it gives the whiskey a unique spicy taste. They don't say just how much "a hint" is, but it can't be much.

   I admit I used to enjoy a good 18 year old Canadian Rye from time to time, and my favourite rum drink was a "dark and stormy" (black rum and ginger beer). But mixing them together? I'm not sure. I know, people have been mixing booze for cocktails for a long, long time. Whiskey and sweet vermouth for a Manhattan, vodka, orange juice and Galliano for a Harvey Wallbanger, and the list goes on.

   I'll say my curiosity has been piqued by this, and if someone offered my a snort, I'd probably have one. But to go out and buy a bottle? The jury's still out. By the way, it rolls out in Ontario first, then the rest of Canada in a few months.


Friday 2 July 2021

Its Been Scorching Outside

    Heat warnings have been in effect most of this week, with temperatures in the mid to upper 30's. But the end is in sight, once we get through the weekend. It's supposed to hit 36 tomorrow, then 32 Sunday before a system rolls in, dropping the mercury to 25 Monday and 21 Tuesday.

   We've managed to keep cool in this blistering heat, with the A.C cranked and fans going. I shudder to think how hot it is for some of our neighbours who don't have air conditioning. And as bad as it is, this is nothing compared to parts of British Columbia, where it got up to 49 Celsius in a place called Lytton. Sadly, they also had a wildfire that ravaged the town, destroying 90% of the buildings there.

   And as bad as it is, you won't hear me complain too loudly. Despite the hot, hot heat, we'll look bacck on these days with some fondness in 6 months when it's -36.