Monday 21 September 2020

Got Creative In The Kitchen Again


   And whipped up some jalapeno-cheese buns. Admittedly, these were my 2nd attempt. The first were edible, but I mistakenly added too much of one ingredient to the mix. Not this time, though! They are quite light, and very tasty. Can't wait to have some with chili tonight. Should be a good mix.

   I'm thinking these would also be good as hamburger buns. Might just have to make another batch to find out! The only problem was I left them  in the over a little too long, and the bottom did get a little overcooked. Not burned, just overcooked. Still, something accomplished this weekend!


Monday 14 September 2020

Creativity Knows No Bounds, Even In A Pandemic


   Was in one of my local stores not long ago (masked, of course, due to the pandemic), and I saw a chap wearing something a lot like the one pictured above, except his was red. And yes, I wish I'd had my phone out to take a picture.

   First thought was "that's interesting". Even though I'm not Scottish, the second thought was "where can I get one"?  Third thought, after some reflection, was "interesting as that is, it's not effective". And here's why: It doesn't wrap securely around the chin.

   I know, non-surgical masks give you little, if any, protection, from the virus. But they do protect others around you, if worn properly. Not having it securely wrapped around the chin rather defeats the purpose of wearing one. But, it's still better than nothing, I guess. And with mask usage now being mandated in more and more stores, at least he'd stand  out!


Thursday 10 September 2020

Another Job Done

    Regular viewers will know we've been upgrading parts of our home over the past few years. It started out when we had the cheap, nasty "builders grade" carpet removed from our living room, stairs and 2nd floor landing area and new laminate put in. Earlier this year, we had some cheap, nasty "builders grade" kitchen lights removed, and new fixtures put in. The latest upgrade was this past week, when we had the cheap, nasty "builders grade" plumbing fixtures in the main bathroom removed, and new ones put in.

   We've also had central air conditioning installed the first spring we were here, had a water softener system put in, and stained the back stairs (which actually weren't even installed when we first got the place) and the veranda in the front. Next will likely be the installation of a splash-guard in the kitchen, some decorative tile in the main floor half-bath, and eventually having the basement finished, including a gas fireplace. Quite a bit left to do!


Friday 4 September 2020

An Awkward Moment


   And all I was tryng to do was be a gentleman. Leaving work yesterday was a bit awkward. I was heading out the door of our building, and noticed a woman was also making her way out. So, I did what I was told to do as a kid..hold the door open for her. Problem was that due to COVID-19, and not wanting to touch many surfaces, I used my back to push the door open, and waited for the lady to exit before I did, meaning we were facing each other.

   We exchanged a "well, this IS awkward, isn't it" glance before she slipped out. From now on, I'll either simply motion for someone to go ahead of me (which is what I should've done in this case), or exit first and hold the door from the outside. I've got a bottle of hand sanitizer in the car "just in case". Lesson learned.


Thursday 3 September 2020


    We've all been there. That friend you had in high school moves away, and you lose complete touch, only to finally reconnect decades later. Such was my case this past weekend. I posted an item on a Facebook group I'm part of, and ended up getting a comment from a woman saying her brother, Bob, and I used to chum around a lot "back in the day". The last time I saw him was back in about 1982 or 83 when I spotted him in the restaurant of a Woolco store I worked at. I did say it was a long time ago.

   Anyway, through his sister, I did make contact with Bob, and we've messaged, and I gave him a call as well. Here's where it gets kind of interesting. I knew he'd moved to Utah from Alberta many years ago, but had no idea where. Speaking with him, he told me his sister, Nancy, moved to Perth, Australia after marrying a bloke from Down Under. As mentioned, she found me on a group set up for people who either live in, or used to live in, Calgary, Alberta, where we grew up. Will I keep in touch with both after all these years? Yes, I will.

   I guess the point of this whole thing is had it not been for a random encounter, we never would have met up again.