Monday 16 December 2019

I Accomplished Something This Weekend

   And it's something other that sitting down, staring at the T.V or computer screen for hours on end. I got busy in the kitchen, and whipped up a loaf of French bread.

   Not the most exciting thing in the world, I admit, but I had to do something creative for a change. Getting that loaf done was a bit of a struggle, though. The dough wouldn't rise. The yeast was good (I did a test), and I hadn't changed the recipe. But, even in a warm-ish oven, it took literally hours to rise. I'm guessing it may be due to the winter weather we've been having, even though we keep the house at 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
   How did it taste? Wonderful. You really can't beat the taste, and smell, of home-baked bread.


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