Thursday 26 December 2019

A Christmas Thank You

   And it's to whoever stopped to help our son out Christmas Day. He was coming up for the afternoon, and supper, when he turned off the main highway onto a by-pass, and suddenly felt his car shudder. He says for a split second, he thought it was rumble strips on the road. It wasn't. Turns out, he blew a tire. Luckily, it was in town. Even more luckily, a good Samaritan stopped to help him change it for his spare.
   Our son (who's a metal head, and has long hair and a very long goatee) asked why the person stopped, and was told "you look like Jesus. Our son was also told by his anonymous helper that his spare probably wouldn't get him the 190 kilometers back to Regina.
   Not wanting to drive, he asked if we could put him up for the night. We of course said "yes", but there's a problem. We only have one bed in the house, since 2 of our bedrooms have been turned into offices for my wife and I.
   Left with no choice, he opted for the couch. As you can tell, I'm working today, and so is my wife (she's in retail). Unfortunately, I disturbed him while leaving the house, and my wife probably did too.
   As for his next move, he's going to buy 4 new winter tires today, since they're all the same age, and he doesn't want another one popping on the way home. Problem is, most of the tire places are closed for the day, with the notable exception of Canadian Tire. So, he's going to head over there and see what's what. If they don't have anything, he'll have to crash at our place again tonight, and wait to tomorrow. Luckily, he's off til Monday.
   I hope, for his sake, he can get things sorted today, so he doesn't have to spend another uncomfortable night on our couch.
   And to the mysterious stranger who stopped to help out, thanks! That's what the spirit of Christmas is all about


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