Friday 27 December 2019


   I'm on a short vacation staring right after I finish the noon major news and sports package today, and won't be back until January 6th. I'm not planning on doing a whole lot, other than continuing what's become an annual tradition for me to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And, weather permitting, maybe a quick jaunt to Regina.
   In which case, I hope you all have a Happy New Year as we start a new decade, alrhough technically, it's actually not for another year.
   Have a safe start to 2020!


Thursday 26 December 2019

A Christmas Thank You

   And it's to whoever stopped to help our son out Christmas Day. He was coming up for the afternoon, and supper, when he turned off the main highway onto a by-pass, and suddenly felt his car shudder. He says for a split second, he thought it was rumble strips on the road. It wasn't. Turns out, he blew a tire. Luckily, it was in town. Even more luckily, a good Samaritan stopped to help him change it for his spare.
   Our son (who's a metal head, and has long hair and a very long goatee) asked why the person stopped, and was told "you look like Jesus. Our son was also told by his anonymous helper that his spare probably wouldn't get him the 190 kilometers back to Regina.
   Not wanting to drive, he asked if we could put him up for the night. We of course said "yes", but there's a problem. We only have one bed in the house, since 2 of our bedrooms have been turned into offices for my wife and I.
   Left with no choice, he opted for the couch. As you can tell, I'm working today, and so is my wife (she's in retail). Unfortunately, I disturbed him while leaving the house, and my wife probably did too.
   As for his next move, he's going to buy 4 new winter tires today, since they're all the same age, and he doesn't want another one popping on the way home. Problem is, most of the tire places are closed for the day, with the notable exception of Canadian Tire. So, he's going to head over there and see what's what. If they don't have anything, he'll have to crash at our place again tonight, and wait to tomorrow. Luckily, he's off til Monday.
   I hope, for his sake, he can get things sorted today, so he doesn't have to spend another uncomfortable night on our couch.
   And to the mysterious stranger who stopped to help out, thanks! That's what the spirit of Christmas is all about


Tuesday 24 December 2019

Merry Christmas

   Yet another Christmas has rolled around. At this time of year, I'd like to wish all my viewers a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and joyous Kwanzaa. And a happy Festivus for the rest of us.
   Thank you all for taking time over the past year to check in on this blog from time to time. I jope you continue to do so.


Friday 20 December 2019

So Much Good Food

   It was the annual "pot-luck" lunch at our 2 radio stations yesterday, and boy, there was an awful lot of very tasty food on tap. Pirogi's, chili, salads, turkey (with all the fixings) sausages. Not to mention desserts.
   It seems every year, more and more people kick in, which is the whole idea behind it. I did not have to eat supper last night, and I may not have to have lunch today. There was that much food, and, yes, I ate that much.
   I brought in sweet and sour meatballs. But I didn't make enough, since more than one person said they didn't get any. If, or rather when, I do them again, I'm going to double the recipe, just to be on the safe side.
   But it was a wonderful meal.


Monday 16 December 2019

I Accomplished Something This Weekend

   And it's something other that sitting down, staring at the T.V or computer screen for hours on end. I got busy in the kitchen, and whipped up a loaf of French bread.

   Not the most exciting thing in the world, I admit, but I had to do something creative for a change. Getting that loaf done was a bit of a struggle, though. The dough wouldn't rise. The yeast was good (I did a test), and I hadn't changed the recipe. But, even in a warm-ish oven, it took literally hours to rise. I'm guessing it may be due to the winter weather we've been having, even though we keep the house at 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
   How did it taste? Wonderful. You really can't beat the taste, and smell, of home-baked bread.


Wednesday 11 December 2019


   It's been brutally cold recently, with wind chills dipping to -40 yesterday morning, and darn near that again today, thanks to an Arctic air mass entrenched over the region. It was a bitter slap in the face walking out of the house both days before 04:00, and I'm sure it won't be the last time, either.
   So, I was intrigued to say the least, when I noticed one of our neighbours had left a bedroom window 1/3rd to 1/2 open. I hadn't seen anyone in the place for about a week, so I did the only thing I could think our property developer to see if they could get hold of the owner/tenant to let them know.
   Sure enough, a couple days later they were back, and shut the window. But I noticed again yesterday, it had been opened, and was this morning as well. I just wonder if there's going to be any damage due to the bitter cold.
   And winter doesn't start for another 10 days.