Friday 8 February 2019

More Brutal Cold

   I photographed that sun-dog late yesterday afternoon. It had been visible pretty much all day, and I figured I'd grab that shot. As the majority of you know, a sun-dog is caused by the refraction of the suns light in ice crystals, usually signifying extremely cold weather.
   And it has been brutally cold here, with the windchill -53 Celsius (-63 Fahrenheit) in one area earlier this week. In fact, we've had air temperatures colder in parts of Saskatchewan than Siberia!
   The $64 thousand question, of course, is: When will it end? Our weather guru says not to expect any long term relief for at least another week, although we could see some moderation (-15 for a high) Tuesday. In fact, he told me the dome of cold is so intense, systems further south can't nudge it further north yet.
   A lot of people have said "at least we haven't seen a mosquito in months). My response is I'd rather be swatting them than shivering in these Arctic conditions.


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