Thursday 28 February 2019

February Is Finally Over

   I say finally, because the shortest month of the year seemed to drag on and on. Something like January did. And the reason for that is simple: We've been enveloped by a massive dome of bitter Arctic air since pretty much the start of the year, if not late December. And (aside from the odd day or 2) we haven't had a real break in the cold, either.
   It seems like we've had weeks where extreme cold warnings were in effect, with wind-chills well into the -40C range. In fact, parts of Siberia were warmer than some places in our region during the month.
   And it doesn't look like we'll be getting much relief in March, either. At least, not to start the month. We're looking at -18 or -19 for highs this coming weekend, and -11 next Monday. Normally at this time of year, the average low is -17, and the high -6.
   Does that mean March is coming in like a lion? Even though it's still cold, I would say "no", since we have yet to get a March snowstorm. As for it going out like a lion or lamb, time will tell. But at least it's getting light earlier!


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