Wednesday 6 February 2019

I Really Must Learn How To Spell

   At least in context with what I mean to say on this forum. Going back over some old posts, I've noticed several errors. Mostly not in spelling words (although that's happened, and gone unnoticed), but wrong words in the context of what I'm trying to say. One glaring example is saying "clod" when I meant "cold". These are errors that make it past the spell check on the blog, and are further compounded by the fact that I rarely re-read an item before I post it.
   I must admit, I am a bit shame-faced at this. I've been working in the broadcasting industry for damn near 40 years, and as a radio journalist for 37. As such, one would think it's automatic to check. Unfortunately, it isn't. We all fall into bad habits. In my case, a usual cursory glance at the item before I post it. I usually look at the item after it's posted, and make any changes then. However, things can, and do, get missed.
   I promise I'll try to do better in future. I may not always succeed, but at least I'll try.


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