Thursday 28 February 2019

February Is Finally Over

   I say finally, because the shortest month of the year seemed to drag on and on. Something like January did. And the reason for that is simple: We've been enveloped by a massive dome of bitter Arctic air since pretty much the start of the year, if not late December. And (aside from the odd day or 2) we haven't had a real break in the cold, either.
   It seems like we've had weeks where extreme cold warnings were in effect, with wind-chills well into the -40C range. In fact, parts of Siberia were warmer than some places in our region during the month.
   And it doesn't look like we'll be getting much relief in March, either. At least, not to start the month. We're looking at -18 or -19 for highs this coming weekend, and -11 next Monday. Normally at this time of year, the average low is -17, and the high -6.
   Does that mean March is coming in like a lion? Even though it's still cold, I would say "no", since we have yet to get a March snowstorm. As for it going out like a lion or lamb, time will tell. But at least it's getting light earlier!


Tuesday 19 February 2019

Unexpected Time Off

   Which is why I haven't posted anything for quite some time. We had to deal with a family situation, which has been resolved, so I'm back at it again.
   The situation, which I will not be going into, was one that needed the extended time away. Plus, it was the Family Day long weekend in Saskatchewan, so Monday was also a day off.
   Anyway, I'm back, re-charged (as much as possible) and rarin' to go! I just wish it'd warm up a bit.


Friday 8 February 2019

More Brutal Cold

   I photographed that sun-dog late yesterday afternoon. It had been visible pretty much all day, and I figured I'd grab that shot. As the majority of you know, a sun-dog is caused by the refraction of the suns light in ice crystals, usually signifying extremely cold weather.
   And it has been brutally cold here, with the windchill -53 Celsius (-63 Fahrenheit) in one area earlier this week. In fact, we've had air temperatures colder in parts of Saskatchewan than Siberia!
   The $64 thousand question, of course, is: When will it end? Our weather guru says not to expect any long term relief for at least another week, although we could see some moderation (-15 for a high) Tuesday. In fact, he told me the dome of cold is so intense, systems further south can't nudge it further north yet.
   A lot of people have said "at least we haven't seen a mosquito in months). My response is I'd rather be swatting them than shivering in these Arctic conditions.


Wednesday 6 February 2019

I Really Must Learn How To Spell

   At least in context with what I mean to say on this forum. Going back over some old posts, I've noticed several errors. Mostly not in spelling words (although that's happened, and gone unnoticed), but wrong words in the context of what I'm trying to say. One glaring example is saying "clod" when I meant "cold". These are errors that make it past the spell check on the blog, and are further compounded by the fact that I rarely re-read an item before I post it.
   I must admit, I am a bit shame-faced at this. I've been working in the broadcasting industry for damn near 40 years, and as a radio journalist for 37. As such, one would think it's automatic to check. Unfortunately, it isn't. We all fall into bad habits. In my case, a usual cursory glance at the item before I post it. I usually look at the item after it's posted, and make any changes then. However, things can, and do, get missed.
   I promise I'll try to do better in future. I may not always succeed, but at least I'll try.


Monday 4 February 2019

A Moose Truce?

   As I posted January 22nd, a "war" has broken out between Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and Stor-Eldval, Norway over who has the biggest moose statue in the world. Norway's Storelgen
   Wrested the crown, or antlers, away from Moose Jaw's Mac
   A few years ago, and Moose Jaw wasn't going to take it lying down. The size difference was only 50 or 60 cm (10 inches to a foot), but enough to dethrone Mac from the title he'd held for 30+ years. Still, a GoFundMe page was set up to try and raise 50 thousand dollars to make alterations to Mac to have him reign supreme. Even east-coast beer maker Moosehead kicked in 25 thousand.
   But just recently, Stor-Eldval's deputy mayor Linda Henriksen spoke with Moose Jaw mayor Fraser Tolmie about breaking the deadlock. It's even possible a Norwegian delegation could visit Moose Jaw with the view of twinning their communities, and community building efforts.
   Mayor Tolmie is striking a more cautious note, saying a Mac makeover is still in the works to regain what he and many others see as Mac's rightful place as Worlds Tallest Moose Statue. What the Norwegians response will be, if any, isn't known yet. I just hope they don't deploy any tactical Moose-iles.