Monday 21 January 2019

Kitty Update

   We've had her for a week now, and things are progressing quite well. Minerva (which we've shortened to Mini) took a few days, quite naturally, to get accustomed to her new surroundings. And our other 2 cats. Our eldest boy was a little iffy with her to start, but seems to have accepted her. Although he still has a few reservations. Our other girl cat, who is timid to start, has chosen to mainly ignore our new family member, and hides in our bedroom, only to come out for bathroom and feeding breaks. In time, we're sure she'll come around as well.
   We took Mini to the vet for her first check-up, and everything is good so far. She's due for booster shots for her in a few weeks, and she'll need to be spayed in a few months. She's still a bundle of energy, and I have to admit she's hard to keep up with at times. We're also training her (as much as you can train a cat) about what is and isn't acceptable behaviour. Unacceptable is usually greeted with a stream of water from a garden mist sprayer. It doesn't hurt her by any means, but it reinforces the "no" command.
   She still remains "segregated" in my wife's home office at night, simply because she's so rambunctious, but has food, water and a litter pan at her disposal.
   All in all, progress on all fronts!


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