Monday 7 January 2019


   I admit I could've used a few more days (maybe a week) extra, but I am back after my week off over the New Year. I accomplished what I set out to do, which was basically nothing, other than re-charge the batteries for the next few months ahead.
   I even got lazy, sleeping in until 06:00. I'm paying the price today, after getting up at my usual time of about 03:45. I will be back in the full swing of things in the next day or so.
   New Years Eve was quiet, as is our norm. I didn't, or more properly couldn't, stay awake to greet the new year. And what does 2019 hold? Right now, I'm working on a few minor things, but there could be a change in our family make-up later this month.
   I'll have more on that later.


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