Tuesday 29 January 2019

It's Just Winter

   The bitter cold we've come to expect every winter was delayed for a while, but it's here now. This morning in Yorkton, the static air temperature was (at the time of this post) -32 C, with a windchill of -45. And things aren't likely going to get any better, with the low tonight -36, and a high of -23 tomorrow.
   And we're not the only ones suffering this brutal cold snap, either. Parts of Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and other regions are also under extreme cold warnings, as are many parts of the States.
   What's behind it? A "Polar Vortex", where frigid air normally domed over the Arctic is being pushed down by an influx of warmer air to the polar area. We just used to call it "winter", but now it seems everything has to have a name. Examples: Colorado Low, Alberta Clipper, McKenzie Screamer. All names for systems that can drop a lot of snow on many areas. Again, we used to call it "winter".
   There is good news, though. Warmer temperatures (-17 for a high) are expected Thursday, and -9 Friday. But still, January's going out like a lion.
   Stay warm!!


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