Friday 27 July 2018

I'm Bad

   As regular viewers will know, I fractured a bone in my left wrist 3 weeks ago after taking a tumble at home. I'd been in a half-cast ever since:
   But this morning, and even though it's probably at least a week early, that cast HAD to come off. Having the thing on hadn't been bothering much. Until this morning. For some unknown reason, my left thumb started to get painful. I admit I'm a bit of a baby when it come to pain, but I figured I'd "tough it out". I couldn't. The pain just continued to get worse, and there was no way I could go to the E.R at my local hospital to get it checked out. So, I did the thing I told myself not to do, and pulled it off.
   I know I'll probably be back at the hospital again to have another one put on, but I just couldn't take the ache anymore. And even after a couple of hours out of the cast, I still hurt, Like I said, I'm a bit of a baby when it comes to pain.


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