Saturday 4 August 2018

I'm O-Kay

   Hopefully, this will be the last health-related blog I'll post for quite some time, but it does continue the theme from past posts (see below). After fracturing a bone in my wrist, it was strongly suggested I take on a family doctor. Something I hadn't had in well over 30 years. Why? Basically because I'm lazy, and procrastinate. The other reason is simple. I don't feel all that bad, aside from some aches and pains.
   But find a doctor I did. And I found out (not surprisingly) I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which are both now being treated. I have yet to be subjected to a full physical, but my saw-bones did order some blood work and an ECG, which I have never had.
   The results from both gave me some encouragement. Aside from the blood pressure an cholesterol issues, he says everything else is within normal limits for a man my age and fitness. Or lack thereof.
   Now, I've just go to get off my duff, start some kind of fitness program and eat more sensibly. I'll let you know how that works out.


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