Tuesday 19 September 2017

Finally, A Decision

   As regular viewers of this blog know, when it comes to Halloween, I'm a bit of a keener. Normally, I start planning next years get-up November 1st, leaving plenty of time to think about and get ready for the next year. There were 2 exceptions. 2013, when I'd just started here, and this year.
   In years past, I've been a Zombie News Reader (2013)
   An Aussie (2014..and I even learned sort of how to play the digeridoo)

   A Zombie Killer (2015)
   And last year, "Scrape" the long lost relative of G 'n R guitarist "Slash", who hadn't been lost long enough
   But this year was a challenge. In fact, it wasn't until this past weekend during a quick trip to Regina that it clicked. And, as always, I'm going to drop a hint, but that's about all. It will be an iconic image from the past, and require a lantern
   Further details will have to wait until October 31st.
   And yes, I do get into the Halloween spirit.


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