Friday 25 August 2017

Outta Here!

   I'm taking the final week of my vacation time, which starts right after I finish the noon major news package today. I had been kicking around the idea of a quick trip to Calgary, Alberta for a few days to see family/friends. That got spiked rather quickly, though, due to scheduling around appointments, a trip to the vet for some dental work for one of our cats, and mostly $$. It takes quite a bit of $$ to go out there and come back, even in my fuel-sipping car. My wife and I are now hoping/planning to make the trip next spring.
   Aside from taking kitty in, I've got a few things I can or need to do around the house. Not the least of which is try to get hold of a drywaller to look at the ceiling in our house, which had some water damage last October. Yes, I do tend to procrastinate.
   Other than that, I'll probably potter around the kitchen. I feel another batch of salsa may be in the wings, and, since we got out 1st deep-fryer last weekend, I'm going to try making samosas. We'll also squeeze another quick trip to Regina in (my wife needs flower bulbs for next year).
   And, yes, I will also make plenty of time to relax, sit on my couch and watch TV, not that there's much on.
   I'll be back right after the Labour Day weekend, so:


Friday 18 August 2017

Who Knew?

   Who knew that an item I shared from Facebook a week or so ago would, in turn, get almost 200 shares itself? In fact, it was still getting shares late this past week. For something I posted (or re-posted) to get that many shares is unbelievable! And I can't (and don't ) take credit for it.
   It goes back to the rhetoric and sabre-rattling between U.S President Donald Trump, and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. It's over the North's continues missile testing, and threats to launch a strike at the Pacific Island of Guam, home to U.S military forces. That lead Trump to promise "fire and fury" if a strike should indeed happen.
   A lot of people seem to believe the 2 leaders are cut from the same bolt of cloth, and share some similar traits. And that prompted someone very much more well versed in photo-shopping than I to produce this:
   Say "hello" to Donald Un, and Kim John Trump!
   Enjoy your weekend.


Friday 11 August 2017

A Political Earthquake Has Struck Saskatchewan

   And it was a massive 9.0 on the political Richter scale. Saskatchewan Party leader, and Premier, Brad Wall took to Facebook live yesterday, and announced his retirement from politics.
   The move comes even though Mr. Wall and company still have 2 years left on their mandate. But it also comes amid slumping support due to a widely unpopular budget, and rumblings of possible sell-offs of government owned Crown Corporations, even though there are no deals on the horizon.
   By making the announcement half-way through the term, Wall has assured the party will have someone in place within the 2 year time-frame ahead of the next election. The opposition New Democratic Party are also going through the process of picking a new, permanent leader. So the political landscape is changing.
   Mr. Wall took over the SaskParty in 2004, and was first elected Premier in 2007. This November would have marked his 10th year in power. Under Wall, the SaskParty has been elected with increasing majorities every time we go to the polls.
   Will that change with his departure? Likely, it will. Although that depends an awful lot on who the party chooses to lead them, and who the NDP pick as well.
   As for his legacy: Politics aside, Mr. Wall was, and remains, passionate about the province, and fought very hard for the interests of Saskatchewan, whether it was the federal government, or boosting trade on the international scene.
   From a personal perspective (and without delving into the realm of politics) I found Mr. Wall an affable, approachable man.
   I had the extreme pleasure of having him as a guest several times on my talk show when I was in Regina. He was also our first guest during our provincial budget broadcasts, and Throne Speeches.
    When I departed Regina 4 years ago, and since as news director, I spoke almost daily with executive council, I mentioned that fact to staff. Somehow it got twisted into me retiring. A few days later, I received in our newsroom mail an envelope from the Premier's office, which included a letter congratulating me on my retirement. True, it was a "form" letter, but Wall did amend and personalize it for me. Needless to say, I returned it the very next day, with my deep appreciation. Like his politics or not, that shows the human side of him.
   Mr. Wall was, and is, a gentleman in every sense of the word. Thank you Brad for your years of service to the province, and smooth sailing in the future.


Wednesday 9 August 2017


   And people still wonder why I do all my banking in person, rather than on-line. The answer to that is simple: Hackers. There've been more than a few instances lately of high-profile hacks, the most recent was HBO's hugely popular Game of Thrones franchise. Seems someone "accessed" a script, and has threatened to release it unless a ransom is paid.
   This is just the latest in a seemingly endless parade of high profile hack attacks, with the highest the supposed Russian hacking of Hillary Clinton's emails during the last U.S Presidential election campaign.
   I'll admit I'm probably over-reacting, because my (and any) bank has some pretty intense security and anti-hacking hardware. But at he same time, I'm pretty sure HBO and others also had stringent software.
   So until there's a 100% hacking-proof system out there (which can't happen, because anyone who wants to can access just about any site), I'll just trek to my local bank branch to pay bill, mortgage, car loans and manage my accounts.
   Guess I'm just old fashioned.


Thursday 3 August 2017

Old Habits Die Hard

   I guess I'm a creature of habit. My day starts at 04:00, and I'm the first person in the station every day. As part of the prep for the morning news run, I always script out, print off and deliver the morning weather forecast to our Master Control Suites.
   This morning, I caught myself checking not one, but both studio "On Air" lights before entering. After 35+ years, and having it drummed into your head almost every day, it becomes 2nd nature, even when it's not needed.
   And for the record: Yes. I have been guilty of bursting into the main studio without checking to see if that light was on. Luckily, I have never been cursing at the time.