Monday 30 September 2013

Let The Games Begin!

   The Olympic Flame for the upcoming Winter Games in Sochi, Russia was lit this weekend at a ceremony on Mount Olympus in Greece, using rays from the sun. The torch now starts a 40 thousand kilometre relay through 9 times zones in Russia, before lighting the cauldron in Sochi for the February 7-23 games. It will be carried by a hot air balloon and a nuclear sub among others.
   I had the privilege of seeing the torch for 2 different Olympic Games. The first was when I was in Prince Albert, and saw the flame for the Calgary Games come through.
   And in Regina, I not only saw, but got to hold, one of the torches for the Vancouver Games. Unfortunately, no one in the station I was working for at the time had a camera, since it was a chance encounter when a representative of one of the sponsors just happened to stop by after 6:00 p.m.

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