Monday 30 September 2013


   The notorious Kingston Penitentiary has closed. The first wing was built way back in 1835, and the prison ended up being the home of inmates like Paul Bernardo, Clifford Olson, Russell Williams and Steven Truscotte, who's conviction was overturned in 2007. Most recently, the Pen housed 410 of the nations most dangerous prisoners, with Paul Bernardo..held in protective custody. All have been moved to other institutions.
   So, what's going to happen to what inmates called "KP" now? Like several prisons in the U.S (Alcatraz among them), it's going to be turned into a tourist destination. It's already been designated a National Historic Site.
   In fact, tickets for the first tour have been sold out. The question which I'll ask actually answers itself. Why would someone pay to get inside a place so many wanted to get out of? Curiosity. That's the simple answer. A chance to see where the worst of the worst caught in the Canadian justice system spent time. Just like Alcatraz in California.
   Would I be willing to pay for a tour of what was one of the longest used prisons in North America? Yes. I probably would. Just as I went into a former German bunker in Norway when the Nazi's occupied the country in World War II. Curiosity. Plain and simple.


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