Friday 30 October 2020

Happy Hallowe'en!

    As mentioned yesterday, come hell, high water or COVID, I was going to continue the tradition and dress up for Hallowe'en. This year, it's a mash-up. I decided to come as a Scot-stralian from Perth, since there are cities the same name in both Scotland and Australia.

 The didgeridoo is doing double-duty this year, as a stand-alone instrument, and a drone from a very large set of bagpipes.

   I also brought along my pet corona-viper. He loves sanitizing wipes, but had a problem putting on his coughey filter, which, since he has no hands or ears, I had to tape on him to make him compliant

   Happy Hallowe'en!


Thursday 29 October 2020

The Tradition Will Continue

    After humming and hawing over whether or not to put something together for Hallowe'en and wear it to work, I've decided I will. Part of the rationale behind it was COVID. I think most of us are heartily sick and tired of hearing about it. I know I am, and I have to deal with stories surrounding the pandemic 8 hours a day. So, to break the monotony, I will be dressing up in something. I've still got lost of gear from Hallowe'en's past, so coming up with something shouldn't be too hard. I have a few ideas I'm kicking around.

   As usual, and since Hallowe'en is on a Saturday this year, all will be revealed tomorrow.


Wednesday 28 October 2020

Made The Switch

    We've had a few skiffs of snow recently, with colder than normal temperatures as well. That means winter is well on the way, and with it, the annual switch from my 3-season radials to the winter skins. I'd had a reminder from the shop I deal with (they also store my other tires for a cost), but had put it off. In fact, when I did call, they were booking well in advance.

   Seems I wasn't the only procrastinator. Sitting in the shop waiting for my car to be done, quite a few calls came in from people looking to do the same. They were told the earliest possible say was November 17th. Nearly 3 weeks away! Even though milder weather is in store next week (highs near 10 Celsius), I'm glad I got it done.



Tuesday 20 October 2020

Hackers Must Try Harder

    I say that, because this was in my "junk" folder this morning. Yes, I have edited our email address.

OF­FI­CE 365

N­o­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pa­ss­wo­rd u­pd­at­e

Account information : 

Yo­ur pa­s­s-wo­rd ex­pi­re­s - 10/20/2020 1:11 PM


© 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

   If you are going to try and scam a room full of professional skeptics, you might want to try just a bit harder. Maybe with the corporate logo? Just sayin'.


Monday 19 October 2020

Time To Re-Tire

    With the onset of winter, it's time I again re-tire my car. It's an old joke, and quite stale I admit, but one works with the material one has. October started out fairly nice, but in the past week or so, the temperature has taken a nose-dive. Not frigid, but not cool for this time of year. And we had a skiff of snow this past weekend, with more in the forecast.

   All of which brings me to the point of this post. It's time to have my winter tires put on, and the 3 season radials stored until March. It was March this year I had them swapped over foe summer driving, and it was a good thing I did it when I could. COVID-19 meant pretty much everything was shut down, and I would've been driving on my winter tires for weeks, which is really not advisable. This year, I may be in for an extra expense, as I think my winter tires, now 7 years old, may be due for replacement. I'll be phoning my dealer today to set up an appointment.


Saturday 10 October 2020

A Scare

    Heading into work this morning, and was in the process of locking the door, with hands full of stuff. Had one lock done, and was going to engage the deadbolt. Started rummaging through my jacket pocket for the keys. They weren't there. Checked the pockets in my jeans. They weren't there. Started to panic. Thought I'd dropped them. I hadn't. Really starting to panic. Thought I'd have to wake my wife. Then I checked behind the screen door. There the keys were. In the deadbolt, waiting to be turned.

   At my age, and at 03:30 on a Saturday morning, I do NOT need that kind of "excitement". Luckily, it all ended up Okay.


Wednesday 7 October 2020

A Little Late

    I know, I should've posted this earlier (like a week ago), but Happy October! I don't know what it's like in your part of the world, but it's been relatively nice weather-wise in Yorkton, Sask. Canada, with mild, fall-like temperatures. For the most part. Unlike years past, fortunately, we have yet to have any snow. Which can stay away as long as possible, as far as I'm concerned.

   The reason I've been AFK (away from the keyboard) is due to several things going on. No, I have  not contracted COVID, nor has anyone in my family. However, one member of my family has had to undergo some medical testing for something I will not be going into on this venue. Or any other, for that matter. The person in question can't drive, meaning I'm the chauffer to and from different facilities. This week was no exception, with not one, but 2 trips out of town due to a lack of some diagnostic equipment here, down to the size of the area and the hospital itself.

   Hopefully, it's a situation which will be resolved quickly, but it means I have had to take a few days off work to shuttle back and forth.