Friday 24 April 2020


   That's yours truly. The picture was taken in our newsroom a little after 07:00 local time this (Friday, April 24) morning. Whey am I wearing a winter jacket inside at 07:00? Because it's absolutely freezing in here this morning. They've been doing some work on the roof of our building, possibly getting the A.C ready for summer. I have a vent directly over my work-station, so  I'm getting a blast of Arctic air right on me.
   And it's not just the newsroom, either. The entire top floor of our building is cold.In fact, my morning partner Danny Ismond has a space heater running in master control to boost the temperature. He's also been kind enough to let me use it in the news-booth to stay warm.
   I just hope building maintenance gets it fixed soon, and we can all stop shivering.
   ***Just a quick update,the heat was turned back on (or the A.C turned down) about 08:30.***


Monday 20 April 2020

A Tragic Weekend

   As you've no doubt heard, at least 17 people, including the gunman, were killed this past weekend in Nova Scotia. Police say the rampage started Saturday night, and only ended with the gunman apparently being killed in a shoot-out with the RCMP.
   Among the dead was a 23 year veteran of the Mounties, Constable Heidi Stevenson, who leaves behind a husband and children.
   The shooter (apparently) was at one point wearing a fake RCMP uniform, and had (apparently) disguised a vehicle to look like an RCMP cruiser. As well, there were 2 burned out vehicles and reports of fires in the small community where the rampage began.
   Time, and the length of what transpired, prevent me from getting any further in depth on this forum, and I will not be naming the suspected killer. This is the deadliest mass shooting in Canada in decades. The "why" will no doubt take a long time to determine.


Monday 13 April 2020

It's Monday, January 104th*

   Okay, it's really Monday, April 13th, but rolling into the office this morning is felt like January. It was -13, with a windchill of -20. And as I keyboard this entry in, it's snowing. Heck, some parts of our region had a windchill of -25. It's mid-April. Surely, we're going to get warmer. Right? Maybe Friday.
   Not to say we didn't have a brief warm spell last week. It got up to 15 Celsius. We even had a fly in the house. But the plug got pulled, and yesterday, Easter Sunday, was miserable with a high of -6, and windchill -12.
   I know I shouldn't complain, and it's not like we're going anywhere due to the coronavirus, but come on! I'm more than ready for spring to finally get sprung.
   And again, due to a very busy work schedule, I'm not able to post as often as I'd like. Thanks for staying tuned.


* Made a huge math mistake earlier. Forgot to carry March into my date calculation, which, incorrectly, had it Monday January 73rd. Math was never my string suit in school.