Friday 27 July 2018

I'm Bad

   As regular viewers will know, I fractured a bone in my left wrist 3 weeks ago after taking a tumble at home. I'd been in a half-cast ever since:
   But this morning, and even though it's probably at least a week early, that cast HAD to come off. Having the thing on hadn't been bothering much. Until this morning. For some unknown reason, my left thumb started to get painful. I admit I'm a bit of a baby when it come to pain, but I figured I'd "tough it out". I couldn't. The pain just continued to get worse, and there was no way I could go to the E.R at my local hospital to get it checked out. So, I did the thing I told myself not to do, and pulled it off.
   I know I'll probably be back at the hospital again to have another one put on, but I just couldn't take the ache anymore. And even after a couple of hours out of the cast, I still hurt, Like I said, I'm a bit of a baby when it comes to pain.


Thursday 19 July 2018

Getting Better

   It's been 2 weeks since I had my fall walking to the car from my house (see blog entry below), breaking a bone in my left wrist and doing soft tissue damage to the right one. Went to see the doctor earlier this week, and he says the cast will stay on for at least another 2.
   As for "righty", that's just going to have to heal on it's own. Truth be told, the right wrist is feeling better these days, but will still take time to fully recover.
   Luckily, I can still use a keyboard almost as fast as I could before the accident, and my voice has finally recovered from my bout of strep throat.
   Just a quick update.


Monday 9 July 2018

A Rough Week

   I haven't posted anything for a while, and there's a good reason. I was off all last week sick. I started getting a sore throat back on June 29th, but felt fine on the Saturday. Sunday, it hit again, and Monday it was all I could do to even swallow.
   So last Tuesday, (Monday July 1st was a holiday) I trekked to my local walk-in clinic, got diagnosed with strep throat, was handed 2 prescriptions and went on my merry way.
   Until Thursday:
   I did that walking to the car to get some much needed food for the house. And somehow got a foot wrong while stepping from the sidewalk to the grass. I went down. Hard. Hurt both wrists, and also banged my noggin. There was no sign of concussion, so I went about what I was doing. Until Friday.
   I decided I'd better get checked out after my spill, and went to the ER at our local hospital. X-rays confirmed a fracture in my left wrist, but surprisingly just tissue damage in the right. I honestly thought I'd broken that one too. The upshot is I'll be in a half-cast for the next 3 weeks or so while I heal.
   I do have to give a thumbs up to the doctor who tended to me, though:
   He walked into the exam room, and tried to fist-bump me. Funny stuff, doc. 'Course, I got him back by asking if I'd be able to play guitar better after I heal. He said "yes", although he would've done a re-think if he actually heard me play.