Thursday 19 April 2018

A Sad Day

   We had to say "goodbye" to this fellow yesterday. Aslan (named after the lion in the Narnia series) had been part of our family for 11 years, 4 months and 2 days. Yes, I counted. Up until a few weeks ago, he'd been a healthy, very robust cat. But he suddenly started vomiting 2 or 3 times a day, and had quit eating his normal share of food. We'd been taking him to the vet for treatment, but nothing seemed to work.
   When we originally got him in December, 2006, he was over 7 kilos. When we took him in for the final time, he might have been 5, a considerable weight loss for a cat. We don't know what was wrong, although we and the vet suspect cancer.
   Losing him, and he was a member of the family, was tough. But probably hardest on our son. When we went to the Humane Society in Regina to add to our family after our girl cats departed, he was the one who reached out of his cage, grabbed my son's arm and dragged him closer. That bond never diminished, even after our son moved away for a time.
   He is, and will be missed.


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