Monday 30 April 2018

Just When You Think You're Done With Winter

   You can't see it all that well, but it's snowing, and (as of the time of my writing this post) it has been for a couple of hours, and it's +1 Celsius. In fact, we went from a high yesterday of 26 C to this.
   It won't be around long, in fact it's melting as soon as it hits the ground. And we won't be getting much out of it with a high today of 9, and warming up through the week.
   All this, just as the last remnants of this past winter's snowfalls had finally melted. But the moisture will be welcome.


Friday 27 April 2018

The New Prince Has A Name

   He was born Monday morning in London, and is William and Kate's 3rd child. He's 5th in line to the throne, and the 6th great-grandchild of Queen Elizabeth. And now his name has been officially announced. He's Louis Arthur Charles, and his official title will be His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge.
 Louis is certainly a popular name in the royal family. His brother George, father William, grandfather Charles all have Louis as a middle name. It's also the 71st most popular name for a baby boy in England or Wales, although it's likely to become more popular now.


Monday 23 April 2018

It's A Boy

   The Duchess of Cambridge, the former Kate Middleton, gave birth to her 3rd child with Prince William this morning.
   An 8 pound, 7 ounce (3.8 kilo) boy was born at 11:01 London time in a private ward at St. Mary's Hospital in central London.
   The boy, who's name has not yet been announced, is the 5th in line to the British Throne. He's also a new brother to 4 year old Prince George and 2 year old Princess Charlotte. He's also the 6th great-grandchild for Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip, and the 3rd grandchild for Charles, Prince of Wales.
   Mother and baby are said to be doing fine.


Thursday 19 April 2018

A Sad Day

   We had to say "goodbye" to this fellow yesterday. Aslan (named after the lion in the Narnia series) had been part of our family for 11 years, 4 months and 2 days. Yes, I counted. Up until a few weeks ago, he'd been a healthy, very robust cat. But he suddenly started vomiting 2 or 3 times a day, and had quit eating his normal share of food. We'd been taking him to the vet for treatment, but nothing seemed to work.
   When we originally got him in December, 2006, he was over 7 kilos. When we took him in for the final time, he might have been 5, a considerable weight loss for a cat. We don't know what was wrong, although we and the vet suspect cancer.
   Losing him, and he was a member of the family, was tough. But probably hardest on our son. When we went to the Humane Society in Regina to add to our family after our girl cats departed, he was the one who reached out of his cage, grabbed my son's arm and dragged him closer. That bond never diminished, even after our son moved away for a time.
   He is, and will be missed.


Tuesday 10 April 2018

A Tragic Weekend

   As many of you are aware, there was a horrific accident in Saskatchewan Friday evening when a semi and a bus collided on a highway in the northern part of the province near Tisdale. The bus was carrying 29 members of the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League Humboldt Bronco's to a playoff game in Nipawin. 15 people, including players, coaching staff, broadcast team and the bus driver all died. 14 other people were injured and, at the time of this writing, 12 remain in hospital. 4 are in critical condition. The driver of the semi was not physically injured. RCMP continue to investigate, but any final report could be months away.
   Saskatchewan has a small population, just over 1.1 million, and just over half live in small cities, towns and communities across the province. There is a real sense of community here, and not just the smaller centres, but the 2 big cities as well. And it extends well past the hockey community, which is very large, to society as a whole. That's why vigils held in rinks and arena's Sunday were so well attended. The sense of community, and the sense of a community wide grief. A go-fund-me page has already received 6.4 million dollars.
   Condolences and tributes poured in from far and wide. Prime Minister Trudeau and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe were both at the vigil in Humboldt, and even the Queen and Prince Phillip offered condolences.
   In the hockey community, even among casual players, hockey sticks have been left outside people's doors in tribute. The NHL Winnipeg Jets and Chicago Blackhawks paid tribute by wearing the word BRONCO'S where their nameplates would normally be. Both teams also stood surrounding centre ice for a minute silence.
   It's said time is the best healer, and the hockey team, league and community will, in time, get back to normal. The scars will, however, be felt for years to come.


Friday 6 April 2018

It's Friday, January 87th, 2018

   I know, it's really April 6th. But when I rolled out of the house for work this morning, it felt more like early January. A dome of cold Arctic air, also called a "Polar Vortex", is still gripping a good chunk of the province. When I left home, it was -19 C, and the windchill was -31.
   And there's not much relief in store for the next day or so, either. Tonight it's supposed to dip down to -19 again, and only get up to -9 for a high Saturday. By Monday, though, warmer air will start flooding into the region, with a high of plus 1 in the forecast. Which will be more than welcome.
   I can't (or don't want to) remember the last time I had to put on my bog winter parka and ugly ear-flap hat in April, but I had to this morning