Tuesday 31 October 2017

Halloween Steps Back

   All the way back to November, 1971. That's when Led Zeppelin released their classic, and iconic, 4th album. And that's the genesis for my Halloween get-up this year. The image on the inner sleeve of the album is actually a tarot card, "The Hermit", but to Zeppelin fan's it's known as "Lantern Man"
   And that's what I decided to do this year
   It wasn't an easy decision, either. It wasn't until last month, when we were in a Halloween store in Regina, that the idea went "click". And it was the lantern that sparked the whole thing.
   Normally, I plan well in advance (usually starting November 1st), but this year had been a blank. Did I pull it off? Not really, although I did give it a good try. Although, looking at a side-by-side screen shot co mpiled by GX94 Morning Host Danny Ismond, I got closer than I thought!
   There is one very interesting aspect of the gear; the stick. I bought that years ago in Regina at the Cathedral Arts Festival. What sparked my interest in it was the head, which is a piece of antler. The artist somehow carved a cougar's head into it
   Which I thought was very cool. Now, I need to start planning for next year.
   Have a happy, and safe, Halloween!


Monday 30 October 2017

It's Almost Time

   Halloween is tomorrow, and all of us around the office are encouraged to get into a costume for the day. As mentioned in an earlier blog (Sept 19: Finally A Decision), I've got my gear together.
   Also in that earlier blog, I mentioned I came as the long lost relative (who hasn't been lost long enough) of G 'n R guitarist Slash.
   This year, I'm going to continue the rock 'n roll theme by going way back into the archives. Some 40 years, to be exact.
   All will be revealed tomorrow.


Tuesday 24 October 2017

Too Rich For My Taste

   That's the only bottle of a 50 year old, single malt Scotch being made available in Canada, and it was up for grabs in Calgary, Alberta yesterday. It's also one of only 128 bottles to be released worldwide.
   The whiskey was laid down in an oak keg back in 1963, and comes in a hand-blown glass bottle. The whiskey has a malty, toffee sweetness with hints of honey, vanilla and oak, and was produced by the Balvenie distillery in Scotland.
   That single bottle is selling at, get ready for it, $64,999.95. Canadian. Which means you could buy a thousand bottles of regular 12 year old Scotch for the price of the one bottle.
   I just hope whoever does buy it doesn't cut it with something like Dr. Pepper.


Monday 23 October 2017

Time To Re-Tire

   No, I'm not retiring. But it is that time of year to re-tire, and put the winter skins
   On my little Lancer
   It's been a fairly nice October, despite a nasty wind-storm with gusts of 95 km/h in Yorkton. And the forecast for the early part of this week calls for a high of 14 C tomorrow. But the steady march toward winter continues, and with it the need to change my tires over again.
   It was only after getting to Yorkton I actually started putting winter tires on. In Regina, I simply relied on my 3-season radials, and never had any real problems. But ever since, I've always switched over, and wonder why I didn't in years past.
   Not that winter tires are the cure-all for the upcoming season. They're not. I still have to use good old fashioned common sense while behind the wheel when the snow flies and the roads get slippery. But they do give an extra little sense of protection.
   When I re-tire again in the spring, I'll need new 3-season skins. The ones I've got on the car now are getting a bit thin in the tread.


Friday 13 October 2017

It Was Time

   For the past 2 1/2 years or so, I've been letting my hair down. Literally. It's been at least 30 months since I had my last haircut, but it was time for a change:

   There was no special reason I "freaked out", other than the fact that I hadn't had long hair in more than 40 years. And there was no special reason I decided to get it cut this week, other than the fact it was starting to get in the way of almost everything.
   The beard and 'stash will get trimmed as well, but not before Halloween! Facial hair is integral in what I'm doing this year.
   Will I ever let my hair get that long again? I doubt it. But "never say never", either.


Monday 9 October 2017

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving

   It is Thanksgiving Day in Canada, and that means a full meal-deal with turkey and all the trimmings:
   But not at my house. There's an enzyme in turkey that plays merry hell with my digestive tract, and therefore renders me unable to enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I like turkey. It doesn't like me. Because of that, me generally have a roast chicken or 2 for our meal.
   And we actually had our big dinner last night, mostly due to the the fact I'm working today. That, and we traditionally have it Sunday evening anyway.
   So, to my Canadian viewers: Enjoy!, and don't overdo it at the table tonight (easier said than done, I know).
   And to my U.S viewers, Happy Columbus Day.


Monday 2 October 2017

A Tragic Weekend

   As you are probably aware, in the U.S, at least (as of this posting) 50 people are dead and 400 wounded in the worst mass shooting in American history. Automatic gunfire raked the crowd at an outdoor concert by country star Jason Aldean on the Vegas Strip. The shooter was perched on the 32nd floor of a hotel across the street from the event and fired clip after clip of ammunition before being killed. Police say it appears the 64 year old shooter was a "lone wolf", and there was no link to terrorism.
   In Edmonton, Alberta, terrorism is believed to have been behind an attack as people were leaving Commonwealth Stadium after a football game.
   Video shows a car ramming into what appears to be a police cruiser. The driver then jumps out and stabs a police officer. Later that night, a U-Haul cube van was deliberately plowed into a crowd of people, injuring several. Police have arrested a 30 year old refugee claimant.
   Not much can be said about both tragic events, other than to offer condolences to the victims and their families, and wishes for a recovery to the wounded.