Monday 18 July 2016

Another Smashing Success

   The Secret Gardens Tour 2016 was a big hit with my wife and her friend this past weekend. I'm not "in" to gardening, but even I was impressed with some of them. I've posted a few pictures from the weekend, but (needless to say) won't post them all.
   The very first garden we saw rated the highest possible praise from my wife and her friend Shannon. "Shut Up!" I don't know (or care to) where they got that, but it's the highest they offer. I've included 2 shots of that garden.
   The next couple are in Wascana View, a ritzy area of Regina. They had a fireplace in their yard, and one helluva great view.

    I've also included a few random shots of other gardens.

   Finally, our "passport", which you get stamped at each venue. They had 19 stops to celebrate their 19th year as a fundraiser for a dance academy. We got to 16 of them, and skipped the 3 commercial ones. Not a bad day's work!
    Not only is my wife looking forward to next year's tour, but she's already got some ideas from this years to incorporate in her garden.


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