Wednesday 8 December 2021

This Popped Up On Facebook


   And it was on a group I'm part of detailing the memories of Thunder Bay Ontario. The moderator has been running a series, "On The Air", featuring people who worked in media, mostly radio and T.V, on the Lakehead. I'll post the original caption, but there re some changes. True, I did do the last ever newscast on what was the CJLB in '95 or '96 when they shut the A.M transmitter off and went to F.M. But I didn't work there much until they amalgamated with CKPR Radio. I was with CKPR from 1989 to 97.

   Still, some 24 years after leaving, it's kinda nice to know I haven't been totally forgotten. Here's the original post:

In 1995, Craig Wallebeck does the last CJLB newscast before the station merges with CKPR. He is then on the air at CKPR as a broadcast journalist until 1997.


Thursday 2 December 2021

Another Hearing Update

    Regular viewers will know I've been suffering hearing loss for some time, and a couple of years ago I got a hearing aid. After spending $1500.00 on it, I was less than impressed. so, back it went to the centre in Regina, where they persuaded me to spend another $1000.00 on an upgrade. That failed in July last year, but luckily it was under warranty, and they fixed it.

   Flash forward to last Friday (some 18 months later), and the damn thing died again! I think it's the same issue (the receiver), but it means another 4 hour round trip to spend 15 minutes or less in their office. I caught a break, though, as the thing is still under warranty until January. I also made sure to book a time on the same day I have to be in the Queen City for another appointment. The fly in the ointment is I'll need to make the trek again when it's fixed.

   So, why didn't I get one here in Yorkton to begin with? That's a long story, but the upshot is I eventually got it there. The thing still has feedback (eg: it whistles and screeches) from time to time, and honestly, I've been less than impressed with it from the get-go. So why put up with all the palaver? Because I've sunk $2500.00 into it. Had the thing not been under warranty, I think I would have pitched it in the garbage and got something from Amazon or another place. It's much, much cheaper, and the quality couldn't be that much worse than what I've had to put up with.