Friday 22 October 2021

Rembrandt I'm Not

   GX94 mid-day host Tonnya  Cherry had me do some homework last night. She brought in a Paw Patrol colouring book, and has asked several staff members, me included, to do one. I obliged. My first instinct was to do what a normal child would do. Grab the  markers in one hand and start scribbling. I'm not normal. I told her I faced an almost insurmountable obstacle in that there were no numbers on the picture corresponding with the coloured markers. But I soldiered through, and after 45 minutes, I produced something.

   Yes, there's some areas where the marker bled through, and yes, I did go outside the lines a time or 3. But on the whole, not a bad effort. It will never hang in the Louvre, but I'm happy with it. And giiven the different coloured eyes, I've called him "David Bow-Wowie"


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